Home » Customization » Add the HTML5 Range Input Control into Web Forms for Marketers in Sitecore

Add the HTML5 Range Input Control into Web Forms for Marketers in Sitecore

Sitecore Technology MVP 2016
Sitecore MVP 2015
Sitecore MVP 2014

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A couple of weeks ago, I was researching what new input controls exist in HTML5 — I am quite a dinosaur when it comes to front-end code, and felt it was a good idea to see what is currently available or possible — and discovered the range HTML control:


I immediately wanted to add this HTML5 input control into Web Forms for Marketers in Sitecore, and built the following control class as a proof of concept:

using System;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using Sitecore.Diagnostics;
using Sitecore.Form.Web.UI.Controls;

namespace Sitecore.Sandbox.Form.Web.UI.Controls
    public class Range : InputControl
        public Range() : this(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div)

        public Range(HtmlTextWriterTag tag)
            : base(tag)

        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            base.textbox.CssClass = "scfSingleLineTextBox";
            base.help.CssClass = "scfSingleLineTextUsefulInfo";
            base.generalPanel.CssClass = "scfSingleLineGeneralPanel";
            base.title.CssClass = "scfSingleLineTextLabel";
            this.Controls.AddAt(0, base.generalPanel);
            this.Controls.AddAt(0, base.title);
            base.generalPanel.Controls.AddAt(0, base.help);
            base.generalPanel.Controls.AddAt(0, textbox);

        protected override void DoRender(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            textbox.Attributes["type"] = "range";
            TrySetIntegerAttribute("min", MinimumValue);
            TrySetIntegerAttribute("max", MaximumValue);
            TrySetIntegerAttribute("step", StepInterval);
            textbox.MaxLength = 0;

        protected virtual void TrySetIntegerAttribute(string attributeName, string value)
            int integerValue;
            if (int.TryParse(value, out integerValue))
                SetAttribute(attributeName, integerValue.ToString());

        protected virtual void SetAttribute(string attributeName, string value)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(textbox, "textbox");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(attributeName, "attributeName");
            textbox.Attributes[attributeName] = value;

        protected virtual void EnsureDefaultValue()
            int value;
            if (!int.TryParse(Text, out value))
                textbox.Text = string.Empty;

        public string MinimumValue { get; set; }

        public string MaximumValue { get; set; }

        public string StepInterval { get; set; }

Most of the magic behind how this works occurs in the DoRender() method above. In that method we are changing the “type” attribute on the TextBox instance defined in the parent InputControl class to be “range” instead of “text”: this is how the browser will know that it is to render a range control instead of a textbox.

The DoRender() method also delegates to other helper methods: one to set the default value for the control, and another to add additional attributes to our control — the “step”, “min”, and “max” attributes in particular (you can learn more about these attributes by reading this specification for the range control) — and these are only set when values are passed to our code via XML defined in Sitecore for the control:


Let’s test this out!

I whipped up a test form, and added a range field to it:


This is what the form looked like on the page before I clicked the submit button (trust me, that’s 75 😉 ):


After clicking submit, I was given a confirmation message:


As you can see in the Form Reports for our test form, the value selected on the range control was captured:


I will admit that I had a lot of fun adding this range input control into Web Forms for Marketers but do question whether anyone would use this control.


I found no way to add label markers for the different values on the control (if you are aware of a way to do this, please leave a comment).

Also, it should be noted that this control will not work in Internet Explorer 9 or earlier versions.

If you can think of ways around making this better, or have ideas for other HTML5 controls that could/should be added to Web Forms for Marketers, please share in a comment.

1 Comment

  1. Ryan Tuck says:

    An Audio HTML5 control would be cool. Especially if it played an audio file uploaded to the media library, or alternately a base64 string.
    It could work as a hint or prompt for another field.


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